Discover the most profitable trading secrets of the last 50 years.
Lessons Include
How to correctly align your resources, skills, and experience to safely reach your goals.Materials include worksheets, templates, videos, case studies, and audio.
Discover theproven building blocks of trading success with lessons from experienced traders,
How to create a list of what to avoid so what remains is ahigh probability strategythat increases your chances of long-term success.
An honest assessment of your skills so we cancraft a winning trading planthat’s best for your unique circumstances.
How to correctly interpret the major indices, sectors, and individual stocks so you canstack the odds in your favorwhile reducing your risk.
How to choose the proper risk amount that practically ensures you always follow your rules. Thissingle concept radically transforms your mindseton potential losing trades.
How toprepare yourself for consistencyand free yourself from overwhelm associated with active trading. In this lesson, we teach you a planning method used by top professional traders.
Advanced lessons such as – Why you don’t need to know what’s going to happen next in the stock market toearn a reliable profit income.We call this “trade expectation.”
Eliminate guessing. Know the exact market scenarios when you should trade for cash flow (quick profits) versuswhen to hold your winners longer. (position trading)