One of the most common problems in relationships is sex drive mismatch. When one person is more interested in sex than the other, it can cause problems and even end the relationship. Such a mismatch can come from naturally low sex drive, depression, hormonal imbalances after giving birth, or emotional blockages. This program works to increase the listener’s sex drive.
Sex is a fundamental piece of any relationship. It stimulates closeness and bonding, and well, it’s fun! We at Potter’s House know how important this aspect of life can be, and we advocate for healthy and safe sexual activity for all of our patients.
Sometimes you just can’t get “in the mood”, and you are not alone. Just within our Potter’s House community, we have hundreds of men and women who struggle with this. We are going to focus primarily on women and share advice to improve low libido (sex drive).
Although not the focus of this blog post, anxiety, depression, body image issues, and stress are major factors that play a role in your sexual health. Be sure to talk to your doctor about your sexual health concerns so they can eliminate any physiological or psychological conditions that could be contributing.
40% of women report some sort of “sexual dysfunction,” which includes lack of sexual desire (libido), impaired arousal, difficulty to orgasm, and pain with sex.1This is a lot of women! Just because women struggle with some of these issues, it does not mean we are “dysfunctional.” This issue is common, and there are methods that can help!