Over the years, I’ve seen thousands and thousands of students embark on their journey in-game.
36,5 GB
Of those thousands, only 2% ever reach truly advanced level games.
Only 2% actually get the 9’s and 10’s that the rest can’t even approach.
And you guessed it, it’s that same 2% that understand the FULL Truth about what women want.
Who is this 2%?
They’re NOT exactly the best looking or the richest or the tallest.
Honestly, they’re not even the guys that “go hard” 7 nights a week…
Smart Action = Action rooted in the tenets of real-world female psychology
– Todd Valentine
Who is Women For?
I consciously made Women specifically for beginners and intermediates that know they’re missing something major in their game.
For both beginners and intermediates, the uncalibrated game is the single biggest sticking point for almost every student I see.
It’s also the main reason why you’re just not getting the quality of girl you know you should be getting.
The sooner you can understand how the girl thinks and feels on an intuitive level, the sooner you’ll start to see results that might initially shock you.